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  • Writer's pictureZarina Flor

How The Covid-19 Pandemic affects the Life Of The People?

What is Pandemic?

A pandemic is a prevalent throughout an entire country, continent or the whole world. Is an infectious disease that spread across the region or country. Many people are afraid of this disease. Most affected are the older person, pregnant women and people with health conditions like heart disease and diabetes.

What was the effect of Covid-19 to people?

Pandemic has affected all aspect of life, health regulations and economic struggles. Many rules and regulations are implemented globally like lock-down, mass quarantine as well physical distancing and even closing of the schools, businesses, churches and other institutions. No one is allowed to go out unless you have quarantine pass that was given by the local government.

How to prevent the Pandemic?

The following are the guidelines to protect from the pandemic:

  1. Wear mask and Faceshields - always wear mask and faceshields if you are leaving your house or work

  2. Wash your hands - wash your hands regularly atleast 20 seconds

  3. Alcohol/Sanitizer - make a habit of using alcohol or sanitizer especially when you touch something.

  4. 2 meter distance - atleast 2 meters physical distancing in a crowded place

What lessons we learned from the Covid-19 Pandemic?

The Corona-19 Pandemic soon will be end .The pandemic teaches us that human health. economic well being and natural environment are deeply connected. Enjoy your life and appreciate what you have. Be happy and positive for everything around you, and you will become a stronger person.

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